About MC:San Andreas

What we offer:

Full backwards compatibility from Java 1.7.2 and Bedrock client support.

We offer unprecidented immersion with a full 32 chunk render distance and no time-outs on the server.

We also have a bunch of extra additions such as guns, casino machines, helicopters, cars, tanks and more.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out.



Griefing and bots will not be tolerated. Offenders get banned. Ask before you take unless stated otherwise.

Connection to?

We have full backwards compatibility from Java 1.7.2 as well as bedrock client support for mobile and console players.

Can I submit screenshots?

Yes, please do, however not all screenshots will be displayed.

Why do I need to submit my username/email?

We need to be able to have the username available to add you to the whitelist.

What is the whitelist?

the whitelist allows us to manage who we all let in, if you aren't on the whitelist you are unable to access the server.

How long until I am able to log into the server?

Depends. Most times within a week, however it depends on the influx of requests and how quickly they can be processed.